About Us
World Walk to Wellness was started in 2007 in Mr. Pedometer’s hometown in Pleasanton, CA where his company, ACCUSPLIT Inc., is located. This event was always held on December 31 of every year. The 31st was chosen to help people make New Year’s Resolutions to add “Being More Active” to their list of goal priorities for the new year. An early walk was chosen in Pleasanton, CA so that families could participate without interfering with New Year’s celebrations or having to walk in the dark.
Because of the great turnout and community support for this yearly event and because Mr. Pedometer felt that though getting people out on the last day of the year to make resolutions to be more active for the upcoming year was good and well received, people still needed to be Walking 10000 Steps-A-Day “every day” not just once a year.
In 2010 World Walk to Wellness began offering weekly walks. Each week we sent out a newsletter by email with information about upcoming walks. Thus began what is now termed “Walk ‘n’ Talk”. Each week people meet to “Walk ‘n’ Talk” for an hour or two in different locations in the Tri-Valley area of Pleasanton, CA. The motto is that “We walk rain or shine unless the rain is blowing sideways.” In more than eight years since this program began they have not missed a single week of walking.
Walk Destinations include local community parks, neighborhood parks, Art Walks around Pleasanton Downtown, neighboring parks in the Tri-Valley area and even trips out of town to Sunol, San Francisco, and Angel Island.
The newsletter, which is sent out each Wednesday afternoon, includes walk destinations, meeting times, “Walk Stars” (People from the group volunteer to be “Walk Stars” and lead walks to new parks and other interesting destinations allowing all to be involved.) There is information on other walks that take place during the week in the community. It also includes information on other community events, “Walks with a Cause” such as “Relay for Life” and other local walking events. There are articles by Mr. Pedometer and Friends… about health and wellness, walking, Diabetes, and many other topics.
Sign up today if you would like to receive the newsletter.
If you would like information on starting your own walking group in your local area, contact us and we can send you information on how we started our World Walk to Wellness group. Then check back with us and share your ideas and how your group is doing.
We would love to hear from you!