Oct 31, 2018 | Health, Uncategorized
I deal with daily stress, due to family obligations, daily news, and more. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Far from it! EverydayHealth.com recently issued a special report entitled “The United States of Stress: You’ll Never Think About Stress the Same Way Again.”
Oct 23, 2018 | Health, Uncategorized, Walking
My doctor has prescribed medication for my blood pressure and for my cholesterol. Will I have to take these pills for the rest of my life? Is there any hope of getting off of them?
Possibly. The “Consumer Reports on Health” newsletter included a recent article that suggests many of us can make lifestyle choices that can either eliminate our need for certain heart medications or at least allow us to safely reduce the dosage.
Oct 16, 2018 | Health
Mr. Pedometer, you have urged us to get our flu shots this month. Well, I did that last year, and I still got the flu! Why should I bother to go stand in line again?
You likely had a milder case than if you hadn’t gotten the flu shot. More than 12,000 Americans age 65 and older died from the flu last year. The very young are a risk as well.
Oct 10, 2018 | Health
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month This is the month to gently remind each of the women you care about (especially those who are over age 40) to be sure to get their annual mammogram, which remains the best way to detect cancer at its earliest stage when it is most curable.