Sneezin’ Seasonal Allergies Are Here!

Plants are booming all over the place, with the result that those who suffer from seasonal allergies may face a longer period of explosive sneezes, snuffling, and watery, itchy eyes. Consumer Reports on Health for April 2019 includes an article entitled “Avoiding Allergens at Home.” Here are some suggestions that may help.

Why is “Sleep Well,” such an elusive goal?

More than one-third of adults aren’t getting the recommended 7-plus hours [of sleep] per night needed to support good health,” so you can see that you are not alone in grappling with this problem. The article by Jessica Migala also warns that “the number of health conditions linked to poor or inadequate sleep is almost endless, with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease topping the list.”

Celebrating “National Today” Days

There is a website for that actually invites people to submit days/weeks/months to celebrate…. A few are serious, focusing awareness on diseases or other issues, such as World Wildlife Day (March 3) and International Women’s Day (March 8, which many nations honor, but not the USA). World Water Day (22nd) is worthy of attention…but it shares the date with National Goof Off Day. This month also has National Let’s Laugh Day (19th), followed by the International Day of Happiness (20th – What?! Only one day of happiness per year?)have no idea what makes such a designation “official,” but lots of them show imagination and humor…